
Lyrics of Papa

... Mama stood beside him all along Growing up with them was easy The time had flew on by The years began to fly They aged and so did I And I could tell That mama ...

Papa Lyrics

That mama, wasn′t well. Papa knew, and deep down so did she. So did we. And when she died. Papa broke down and he cried. And all he could say was God, why her ...

Papa Lyrics Paul Anka ※ Mojim.com

That mama she wasn't well. Papa knew and deep down so did she. So did she. When she died. Papa broke down and cried. And all he could say was, 'God, why her ...

Papa-Lyrics-Paul Anka

I could tell that mama wasn't well. Papa knew and deep down so did she, so did she. When she died, Papa broke down and cried. All he said was, God, why not ...


I could tell that mama wasn't well. Papa knew and deep down so did she, so did she. When she died, Papa broke down and cried. All he said was, God, why not ...


,...MamastoodbesidehimallalongGrowingupwiththemwaseasyThetimehadflewonbyTheyearsbegantoflyTheyagedandsodidIAndIcouldtellThatmama ...,Thatmama,wasn′twell.Papaknew,anddeepdownsodidshe.Sodidwe.Andwhenshedied.Papabrokedownandhecried.AndallhecouldsaywasGod,whyher ...,Thatmamashewasn'twell.Papaknewanddeepdownsodidshe.Sodidshe.Whenshedied.Papabrokedownandcried.Andallhecouldsaywas,'God,whyher ...,Icou...
